What is safarnama Hindi and English translation 2024

Sidh om yatra Delhi, NCR Faridabad Adventure Tours and Travels Wanderlust holiday Co
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 Safarnama: A unique way to see your world

Safarnama ’ is the Urdu word for travelogue. A safarnama chronicles the journey and experiences of a traveler, with details about the places they have been to and the experiences they’ve had along the way.

I remember the first time I heard this word. A song was playing on the radio a few months ago while I was on my daily commute to work. The song is from a Bollywood movie — but I fell in love with what it was called, Safarnama.


Although safarnama has a special meaning which is unchangeable, for me, the word means so many other things. It includes the people I’ve met, the stories I’ve heard on the way, the stories I’ve been a part of, the color of the sky when I looked up, the fresh air on my face, the fragrance of food as I drive past cafes and bistros, the hug you give the one you’ve done all that traveling for.

My safarnama is about my trip to a wonderful city in Australia — Sydney. I went there for the first time in 2017, for a cousin’s wedding. I started off by indulging in the whole touristy thing — shopping for souvenirs, eating great food, drinking lovely wine, going to the landmarks, taking touristy pictures, etc. I had family with me the whole time and we were one loud, happy bunch.

What else was going on, you ask?

I was considering a job change. My current work wasn’t making me happy anymore and wasn’t in alignment with what I eventually want to do (write). At the same time, it offered the security of a steady income, the comfort of a few good friends, and the assurance that no matter what, at the end of the day, I wasn’t unemployed. I had a job.

At the wedding, the groom’s uncle and aunt announced that they were taking us on one of the most famous activities for tourists visiting for the first time — the Sydney Harbor Cruise.

All of us rejoiced (with some more wine) and enjoyed the cruise. We drank, we danced, we laughed, we sang. I loved it.

That night, while the rest of the adults were on the lower deck, dancing and chatting, I was alone on the upper deck, nursing my champagne flute and looking up at the stars.

I can’t completely explain, or understand, how that experience changed me, but it did. I’m one of the most indecisive and procrastinating people I’ve ever met, but this experience helped me take an important decision which made me lighter somehow. It changed the course of my life.

I sat there, on a white loveseat, crying my eyes out for everything and nothing in particular, till my sobs quietened and I looked at the sky.

It was a clear night and the stars were out. I couldn’t see the moon anywhere, but that didn’t matter. When I looked up a second time, I saw that the ship was approaching the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The bridge was lit up with wonderful silver lights which were casting an almost ethereal glow on the surface of the water under the bridge. I stood up, transfixed by the lights and sat down as we approached the bridge.

As we passed under the bridge, for one bright, glorious and uplifting moment, the entire upper deck of the ship was illuminated by the silver light from the bridge. My heart filled with joy, my eyes filled with happy tears and I raised my champagne glass to the sky in a toast, and shouted, ‘Weehoooo!’

Of course I was tipsy.

But more than that, for the first time in a long while, I was happy. I felt light, like a bird, like I could fly. I was filled with euphoria, as if I’d float in the sky if I tried.

In that happy moment, I knew what I had to do. I realized I had to give up on a job which took care of my creature comforts, but didn’t give me food for my soul. It didn’t make me happy anymore. I had to find my true calling.

The next morning, as I sat down to breakfast with the family, my aunt reminisced about the cruise and a few cousins spoke about the wonderful sights of the bridge they missed by staying on the lower deck. I smiled as I ate my cereal. My experience would stay with me forever.

I’m about to embark on a path which is filled with the unknown. In fact, the path itself is unknown. All I know is that I’m ready to go. I’m ready for the adventures, the experiences, the people waiting for me, in my next phase of life. I’m ready to meet new faces, hear new stories, and find myself. I’m ready to give my soul the nourishment it needs, and give my heart the healing it craves.

Life often makes you go through certain experiences, which change you, not noticeably at first, but subtly. Something changes, something shifts, something lightens, and you’re not as sad as you once were.

People come and go, situations change, months slide by but you’re not the same anymore. You’re stronger, you’re happier, you’re kinder. What could have made you this way? Maybe it’s an exciting experience with a world heritage site, maybe it’s a new friend, a new hobby…or maybe it’s the safarnama within you, which you didn’t think you ever had, but which now seeks expression.

Either ways, I’m off into the unknown, with no road map but my heart to tell me where to go.

Do you also travel by getting lost in dreams? If yes, then come with me let's go on a unique journey where you will get to see new sights, new people, and new experiences. In this journey we will show you some sights that you might not have even imagined! Address of a unique path

Our journey begins from a small village, where the peaks of the mountains are touching the sky and there is a new fragrance in the air. Meet the people here and get lost in their stories. Walking on these unique paths will make you feel as if you are in a different world.

 Colors of nature

The next turn in the journey is filled with colors of nature. You will have a different kind of fun by walking in the dense rocks of the forest, sitting on the banks of rivers and flying with the birds. This experience will fill your life with new energy.

 Historical Heritage

The next aspect of our journey is historical heritage. Stories of some old temples, the echo of the forts' temples, and some interesting things related to the history of the city. Here you find a unique confluence of heritage and spirituality.

 Food Journey

What is a journey without eating anything? In this journey we will take you on a journey of some special tastes. Popular food, local dishes, and the stories hidden behind them. This food journey will make you memorable.

 Experience Companion: Photography

Do you like to take a picture of a unique scene? So this journey is perfect for you. Capture your experiences in pictures and remember them later. By becoming the companion of photography, you will long to live this journey again.

 End of the journey

Every journey has an end, but this is not the end of the journey, rather it is a new beginning. Because every journey starts a new story. After returning from this journey you will realize that the world is so big and there are so many unique experiences in it, it was just a matter of seeing them.

 So let's go, let's start today itself the journey of writing our travelogue and make every moment precious! 

Translate in hindi:-

  • सफ़रनामा: अपनी दुनिया को देखने का एक अनोखा तरीका

  • क्या आप भी सपनों में खोकर यात्रा करते हैं? अगर हाँ, तो आइए मेरे साथ चलते हैं एक अनोखे सफ़र पर जहाँ आपको नए नज़ारे, नए लोग और नए अनुभव देखने को मिलेंगे। इस सफ़र में हम आपको कुछ ऐसे नज़ारे दिखाएंगे जिनकी आपने कल्पना भी नहीं की होगी! एक अनोखे रास्ते का पता

  • हमारी यात्रा एक छोटे से गाँव से शुरू होती है, जहाँ पहाड़ों की चोटियाँ आसमान को छू रही हैं और हवा में एक नई खुशबू है। यहाँ के लोगों से मिलें और उनकी कहानियों में खो जाएँ। इन अनोखे रास्तों पर चलते हुए आपको ऐसा लगेगा जैसे आप किसी अलग दुनिया में हैं।

  • प्रकृति के रंग

  • यात्रा का अगला मोड़ प्रकृति के रंगों से भरा हुआ है। जंगल की घनी चट्टानों में घूमना, नदियों के किनारे बैठना और पक्षियों के साथ उड़ना आपको एक अलग तरह का मज़ा देगा। यह अनुभव आपके जीवन को नई ऊर्जा से भर देगा।

  • ऐतिहासिक विरासत

  • हमारी यात्रा का अगला पहलू ऐतिहासिक विरासत है। कुछ पुराने मंदिरों की कहानियाँ, किलों के मंदिरों की गूंज और शहर के इतिहास से जुड़ी कुछ दिलचस्प बातें। यहां आपको विरासत और आध्यात्मिकता का अनूठा संगम देखने को मिलता है।

  • खाने का सफ़र

  • बिना कुछ खाए सफ़र कैसा? इस सफ़र में हम आपको कुछ ख़ास स्वादों के सफ़र पर ले चलेंगे। लोकप्रिय भोजन, स्थानीय व्यंजन और उनके पीछे छिपी कहानियाँ। यह खाने का सफ़र आपको यादगार बना देगा।

  • अनुभव साथी: फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी

  • क्या आपको किसी अनोखे नज़ारे की तस्वीर लेना पसंद है? तो यह सफ़र आपके लिए एकदम सही है। अपने अनुभवों को तस्वीरों में कैद करें और बाद में उन्हें याद रखें। फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी के साथी बनकर आप इस सफ़र को फिर से जीने के लिए तरस जाएँगे।

  • सफ़र का अंत

  • हर सफ़र का एक अंत होता है, लेकिन यह सफ़र का अंत नहीं है, बल्कि यह एक नई शुरुआत है। क्योंकि हर सफ़र एक नई कहानी शुरू करता है। इस सफ़र से लौटने के बाद आपको एहसास होगा कि दुनिया कितनी बड़ी है और इसमें कितने अनोखे अनुभव हैं, बस उन्हें देखना ही काफी था।

  • तो चलिए, आज से ही शुरू करते हैं अपना सफ़रनामा लिखने का और हर पल को अनमोल बनाते हैं!

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